List of active Homes for Sale in Hidden Hills Gated Community
Looking to sell or purchase a home in Hidden Hills? Contact me today.
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Single family homes statistical data for Hidden Hills
Following are some statistical data during the past 5 years for Hidden Hills Homes for Sale. Along with previous week's data for homes sold in Hidden Hills, I thought this information might be useful in your decision making process! Please contact me for more information.
Hidden Hills Homes Median Sales Price
Hidden Hills Homes Median Days on Market
City of Hidden Hills is another affluent city in Los Angeles’s San Fernando Valley. This city was designed and developed in the 1950s by A.E. Hanson, a renowned Southern California landscape architect and community developer. Hidden Hills is a gated residential community with a total all land area of 1.7 square miles. Hidden Hills community could be accessed from three gates. Hidden Hills has a summer camp for children, community and children's theater programs, annual parades, carnivals, parties, welcome wagon, snow days, and weekly community-wide barbecues all summer long.
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