Calabasas Homes For Sale

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List of active Calabasas Homes for Sale

Looking to sell or purchase a home in Calabasas? Contact me today.

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Single family homes statistical data for the City of Calabasas

Following are some statistical data during the past 5 years for Calabasas Homes for Sale. Along with previous week's data for homes sold in Calabasas, I thought this information might be useful in your decision making process! Please contact me for more information.

Calabasas Homes Median Sales Price

Calabasas Homes Median Days on Market

Calabasas is an incredible community in San Fernando Valley, California. This city is a fabulous neighborhood for any family to live and to raise their family. Don’t get surprised if you bump shoulders with one of the many notable celebrities living within city limits. Use our custom search to find the perfect new home or other real estate in Calabasas for you!

I can help you find your dream home. Wonderful living can be yours by calling me at (818) 390-1840 or completing this contact form.